Internasional, Sosial dan BudayaMenjaga Kesehatan dengan Pola Makan Sehat adminApril 21, 2022August 12, 2024Fashion has the power to alter a person’s life, thoughts, moods, personality, and temperament at any age. We don’t care…
Internasional, NasionalPengaruh Film dan Media terhadap Perilaku Sosial adminApril 21, 2022August 12, 2024So how much social media is a healthy amount? Experts have recommended 30 minutes or less per day as the…
Nasional, Sosial dan BudayaPengembangan Infrastruktur di Daerah Terpencil adminApril 21, 2022August 12, 2024Natural Technology FundamentalsTo capture beautiful photographs in natural light, you don’t need to attend a full photography school, but there…
Sosial dan BudayaPeran Perempuan dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi adminApril 21, 2022August 12, 2024While some businesses continue to dispute whether their employees should work remotely or in a hybrid environment, others are adopting…